About us


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Who I Am

Hello there, my name is Guillermo! I am Argentine, more specifically from the capital, Buenos Aires city. Since I was little, I have always been very attracted to languages, I believe that it was due to the fact that I was born in a family with grandparents from other parts of the world like many other families in my country, so I have always had a lot of contact with different cultures.

I´ve always felt the need to learn and explore, I grew up with a desire to visit different parts of the world and mingle with the locals as one of them. I left my homeland over 23 years ago to see what was out there in our beautiful planet waiting to be discovered, thrilled and hopeful to find out whether I was going to be able to fulfill the dream of studying and living in several countries, learning other languages and be able to communicate with people freely and without barriers, and I did it!

I studied English translation in Costa Rica, where I had my first experiences with teaching in the early 2000s, but at that time I had no idea that I was already sowing the seed of what would be my greatest source of satisfaction in life, teaching.

I understand how important it is these days to master another language. Together we will make your learning process much easier, fun and relevant!

I lived and visited many countries such as France, Italy, Cyprus, Qatar, Lebanon, Switzerland, Turkey, Costa Rica, Brazil and several more, but it was in Lebanon, where I studied graphic design, that I realized that my true desire was to teach languages. I taught Spanish, English and Portuguese to foreigners.

While studying in Beirut, I was able to identify that everybody has the same need, regardless the nationality, gender or social background, people who want to learn another language need to feel free to try, they need to feel someone has their back, that they are safe and most importantly that there is someone who understands and will walk with them through this learning process. We all need someone who has been there because they know and understand exactly what it takes to succeed at the end of the road and what will open doors to social and professional opportunities that you never imagined.

Having always worked in American and multinational companies, I acquired a lot of experience in customer care and technical support, where for more than 20 years I got in touch with other cultures

In 2016, I settled in Brazil and began teaching in language schools, specializing in the Brazilian and Spanish-speaking public, as it is an audience that has a great thirst for knowledge.

After a few years I realized that even with so much offer in the market, there were only a few options for good quality courses that guarantee success when learning another language. This is the ultimate thing I wish for my students! That they learn useful things for the rest of their lives and understand that fear will not stop them from moving forward. I teach in a way that is relevant for students. I adapt myself to the way the student learns and not the other way around, the path to fluency does not have and should not be tedious instead it can be an extremely interesting journey.

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